Continuation of tradition
At the beginning of the 20th century, around 1910, Avgoustis and Harikleia Nikola started making the first meat products at their home. Back then, it was common for pigs to live together with people in the same house. The first meat products (allantika) were fire-grilled on the same fire people also used for cooking and heating the house during the winter season. This method describes the me at products as smoked. The allantika products were back then sold in order to increase the household income. |
People used to also call him Daskalos, an honourary title for a priest, that literally means 'teacher'. Daskalos and his wife, Kyriaki, continued the production of allantika with the same traditional smoking process. They were using a separate room, as their production was much larger than what his parents used to have. |
They are still using the same room (a production area with fire and smoke) and the same recipe they have inherited from their ancestors. The preparation area and smoke-room are still in use this this day. |
The unit complies with the ISO 22000 standard for food hygiene and safety of products. Today we offer our consumers the great grandparents' traditional recipe with the highest standards of food hygiene and safety applications. Our products can be found in selected supermarkets in Cyprus and the UK. |